The Rural Review
An online journal produced in conjunction with the Rural Reconciliation Project.
The Rural Review publishes digests of important academic contributions, program information, blog-style commentary, and periodic roundups of rural items from across academic disciplines and scholarly media.
Contributions from interested authors are welcome. Find our author guidelines here.
Magnus and Sherrick: Rural Churches and Resource Provision
This digest explores recent work by Magnus and Sherrick on the powerful role of rural churches not only in providing essential social services but, also, setting social policy in rural communities.
Evans et al.: A Place Meaning Scale
This article seeks to ground the establishment of a quantitative scale for regional place meanings with an interpretive approach as the starting point. In combining the two research methodologies, the authors seek to gain a comprehensive understanding of how a certain place gains a certain meaning within a rural community.
Kidder: The Future of Rural Lawyering
Discussion on how a general practice model within law school in-house clinics can help bridge the gap and facilitate new lawyers into rural and smaller communities.